emilymbender I worry that changing to a "permanent record" format would quickly mean losing the voices of new folks, or those who are speaking up despite experiencing marginalization --- to everyone's detriment. Broadening participation in the field is an important function of the conference!
wiase Ich habe hier über die Jahre einen schrägen Zweithumor entwickelt.
yuvalpi (do i tweet about how easy to miss the "maximum papers i'm willing to review" box is in the coling profile update page and that the default is *8*? or do i keep this information to myself and hope it ends up reducing my own reviewing load? decisions, decisions)
immunda Hey @BarclaysUK; maybe don't use @internetarchive as a CDN for your JS assets? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ pic.twitter.com/NwlbkMrwpc
arielmc_g Interestingly Regardless also has a negative meaning! This suggests to me that there is something special about negation that makes it easy to combine multiple instances w/o changing the meaning (see also the widespread use of double negative syntactic constructions in languages)
arielmc_g In fact, one pleasant side effect of having both -ic and -ical words is that they express different shades of meaning. Historic means 'notable in history'; Historical means 'relating to history or past events'.
We gain expressivity at the small cost of morphological irregularity
arielmc_g There are *plenty* of morphologically irregular words in English. For example, there are approximately 200 verbs with irregular past tense forms. Yet no one is up in arms that we say 𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗴, 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲, and 𝘄𝗮𝘀 instead of 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴+𝗲𝗱, 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲+𝗲𝗱, and 𝗯𝗲+𝗲𝗱.
arielmc_g The core thing to know is that Irregardless isn’t some sort of freakish monstrosity, standing hideously apart from all the other beautiful, perfectly formed words of English. All it is is morphologically irregular, which means that it’s not a strict combination of its parts.
perseveresther work-life ballons 🎈🎈🎈
75% done with The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin: "The trouble is, of cours... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
derwahremawa Vorschlag für einen Ort: die Brache Ecke Zimmerstraße/Wilhelmstraße, die gehört praktischerweise schon dem Staat und liegt direkt gegenüber von der Topographie des Terrors twitter.com/WildtMichael/s…
"At first I thought I needed him like I need an ulcer, but then he grew on me."
wiase Wenn Ihr so Rezepte ins Internet schreibt, nä? Könnt Ihr dann bitte Eure Lebensgeschichte und die 62 Fotos vom fertigen Produkt UNTEN DRUNTER anbringen. Ja? Super.
LeonDerczynski Dear researchers, This important part of our work - how we manage our ideas - is rarely discussed! Despite its crucial role there's so little on this core, creative part of what we do. How do you manage your ideas, hunches and inspirations? Answer here (& RT):
#ituresearch twitter.com/NannaInie/stat…
nsaphra I hate when I send an email and realize I forgot to replace one of the friendly exclamation marks with a period, so I don't sound totally unhinged
Selbstbild als Stromkonzern mit einem weltumspannenden Netz von Umspannwerken
Ich möchte so eine Teekanne und dann würde ich üben, elegant-akrobatisch unter den Tisch zu sliden und von dort aus perfekt in die auf dem Tisch stehenden Tassen einzuschenken. pic.twitter.com/FF1Z4tG1dI
@houellebeck 😂
AlexHardwick95 Context matters, and no matter how sensible the letter you're signing might *sound* on the surface, it is not defensible to sign something without knowing its context, and what it's trying to suggest below the surface. (5/5)
ojahnn One of the things I really enjoyed about virtual ACL is how it gave me the opportunity to meet so many people online whom I had previously only met online! 🎉✨
Bleeptrack My paper on deep generative doodles was accepted at the ICCC workshop on Casual Creators ✨✏️ ICCC is such an awesome conference and one of the reasons I wanted to start my PhD in the artsy area. I'm super happy!
(recomposed tweet because issues with image 🙃) pic.twitter.com/MbEyyIlqcb
gwenalwayswin When someone trying to tell YOU about YOU pic.twitter.com/OnB4WMWwcM
annargrs 💯 An offline conference is limited to a few days because it's expensive to rent a hotel, and ppl can't take more time off their jobs. With a virtual conference that problem is gone. Why don't we spread out the Q&A sessions over, say, 2 weeks? They don't have be parallel either. twitter.com/tallinzen/stat…
bist du gezugt oder geflugt
mstanojevic118 @LucianaBenotti Same here! I think some mix of virtual and live is needed. RocketChat can stay even if event is live. Mentoring channels and sessions should stay. And hopefully that way we can also reach higher inclusion and grow the community.
Wort des Tages: Redigiermusik twitter.com/derwahremawa/s…
gchrupala This is a bit puzzling: when people specify preferred English pronouns on their Twitter profiles or Rocketchat handles, why do they almost always use the "she/her" format instead of just "she"? Is it ambiguous what the oblique form should be?
wiase Wenn die Welt wieder in Ordnung ist, gibt es hier auch wieder twitter.com/WestieBot/stat…
GabrielBerlin Der größte Produzent von Impfungen ist eine indische Firma. Und weil man noch nicht weiss, welcher Wirkstoff in klinischen Tests erfolgreich sein wird (wenn überhaupt), produziert das Unternehmen 4 verschiedene Vakzine in Massen – auf Verdacht. one.npr.org/i/889112811:88…
wiase Tach.
Beim BND ist gerade eine Stelle als Reinigungs- und Küchenhilfe ausgeschrieben. Wer weiß, was das wirklich bedeutet, ey.
BuckRivera Ein alter Mann ist kein D-Zug, weil die Übergänge zwischen seinen Wagen nicht mit Faltenbälgen geschützt sind.
GabrielBerlin Warum heißt es Gästebuch und nicht Rezeptionsgeschichte
mumblamb Bonnie Webber: “when systems are evaluated you’re mostly evaluating them on the head of the distribution ... linguists will say all the information is in the long tail because that’s where you get the variation. ” #acl2020nlp
"let’s not play games here – calling people out isn’t in and of itself evidence a movement of suffocating intolerance; it’s a necessary means of holding people accountable"
"That’s the thing with glossing over the ugly or difficult issues to bolster your argument – shards of them inevitably push through the cracks." independent.co.uk/voices/cancel-…
aclanthology At @aclmeeting tomorrow (Thursday, July 9, 2020 @ 11 AM EDT), we'll have an Anthology meeting, open to anyone attending ACL. Login details can be found here: acl2020.rocket.chat/channel/acl-an…
kaiwei_chang This multi-lingual multi-modality tweet is about “On Forgetting to Cite Older Papers: An Analysis of the ACL Anthology” virtual.acl2020.org/paper_main.699… by Marcel Bollmann, Desmond Elliott; published at #acl2020nlp #acl2020en #acl2020zht 1/n pic.twitter.com/PcLAK1tsXB
tesseralis In the interest of pulling back the Overton window, I for one believe cancel culture has not gone far enough. I believe all signatories of the Harpers letter should be yeeted to Uranus.