The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

July 8th, 2020

teh_aSak Hallo, @KASonline? Wie viel zahlt ihr so für ein Seminar? Ich als Teil der sogenannten "linksextremen Szene" habe großes Interesse daran, euch statt Gruselgeschichten über Linke ein paar Tatsachen zu präsentieren. Die Bezahlung käme auch einem guten Zweck zu. Ihr meldet euch? 😘

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:55 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

MittiLevel2 Hab noch nie jemanden "Ich bin kein Linker, aber..." sagen hören.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:04 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

stadtwildnis "Please scream inside your heart" is now the official Motto of 2020…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:04 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

tschfflr @asayeed @ojahnn @tallinzen @srush_nlp Me too! I mean, us too!

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:12 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

asayeed @ojahnn @tallinzen @srush_nlp I'm an Academic Singular We person.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:12 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

peterbreuer Dieselben Menschen, die der Meinung sind, eine Frauenquote würde dem Leistungsprinzip widersprechen, würden sich noch viel vehementer gegen die Durchsetzung eines verbindlichen Leistungsprinzips wehren.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:08 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

abhesrivas Asynchronous Q&A: every paper had a Q&A chatbox where everyone from absolute beginners to senior researchers could discuss their doubts with the authors. This led to, (a) non-repetitive questions, and (b) opportunity for beginners to read through the amazing discussions. (3/n)

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:06 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

abhesrivas Very accessible: there were active participants from a lot of countries in the middle-east, Africa, etc. A great number of first-timers with a sizeable chunk covered by undergraduates. (2/n)

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:06 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

sjmielke Materials and videos from Tutorial 3 "Reviewing NLP" are PUBLIC now:…

Recommendation for junior reviewers and those who wanna step up their game 💪…

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:04 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

anna_pryslopska Different words to describe the differences between different conditions in your thesis.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:50 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

tallinzen This should be the standard going forward IMO, but the process needs to be spread out over a much longer period of time. I find having to cram all of these videos in a couple of days to be quite stressful and not conducive to deep discussion.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:23 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

tallinzen Preliminary thoughts about virtual ACL: having pre-recorded talks and chat rooms is a much better way to communicate and discuss papers than IRL conference talks/posters.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:23 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

JuPi1948 Ich bin ein brasilianischer Faschistenführer und brauche eine neue Lunge. Der 21 Jährige Benedikt ist mein größter Fan und hat eine perfekte Lunge. Wir vereinbaren, dass ich, falls er stirbt, seine Lunge kriege. So kann er die Kommies episch ownen. Wo liegt jetzt das Problem?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:53 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

zehavoc @yoavgo @SeeTedTalk @ani_nenkova someone suggested to have one virtual conference xCL every year out of all xCLs to reduce a) env impact b) visas problem and c) be more inclusive (many pp from underfunded institions/lab cannot afford the costs of attending a conf in japan or in the us)
I think we should do it.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:28 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

architecturehub The Bailong elevator, Zhangjiajie, China, 1070 feet tall, highest outdoor elevator in the world

via Buffer (retweeted on 2:27 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

TiedemannJoerg ... and because we should stop simulating low resource scenarios and to pretend that we can show the ability of zero-shot MT with multiparallel data I announce the Tatoeba Translation Challenge:…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:13 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

wiase Wie geht es eigentlich Schweden?
"In short, Sweden suffered a vastly higher death rate while failing to collect on the expected economic gains."…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 1:11 PM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

skglas Kanzleramts-Chef Braun 04/2019 "Am Ende werden wir es in der nationalen Umsetzung so lösen, dass es überhaupt keine spürbaren Freiheitseinschränkungen im Internet gibt. Niemand will einen Uploadfilter, der durch eine Inhaltskontrolle massiv eingreift."


via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:02 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

dipanjand I am pleasantly surprised to see the detailed discussion in the various paper threads on RocketChat at . Some of these discussions could lead to follow up experiments and potential papers. This did not happen during in-person conferences in the past.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:01 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

drguidoknapp 1943: US-Bomberpiloten finden heraus, dass sie während des Fluges leicht Eiscreme herstellen können. Sie schnallen Eimer mit dem süßen Gemisch an die Kanzel des Heckschützen und heben ab. Unterwegs friert es und bleibt durch die Vibrationen der Motoren doch cremig.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:42 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

tesseralis Since coding/shitposting is pretty even… I think I'm going to code something shitpost-y. What thing should I code? A Twitter bot? A glitch app that tells you if today is 4/20? A reddit crawler that responds to 69 upvotes with "nice"?…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:34 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

speakingG3 6. Use social media to promote not just your work but also that of others.
7. Focus on the impact of your work, quantity should not be a factor.
8. The skill of communicating verbally and through writing in English is important since it is prominent globally.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:31 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Lasha1608 @emilymbender @sivareddyg @dipanjand @ssshanest @aclmeeting Tangential, but it would be really cool to have a NLP-wide Slack or persistent RocketChat.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:15 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

thingskatedid Turns out you can put whatever you want in http headers, using the cloud

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:15 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

literalbanana replies are often bets on how well you understood the OP (in spoken conversation too not just twitter)

low stakes: hm
high stakes: how dare you!

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 12:38 AM, Jul 8th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)